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Low-level Platforms
Platform Overcrowding
Platform Level of Service
Pedestrian Crossover
Eyes of the Train Operator
School Bus Stop
Walking on Ice
Bus Occupant Safety
Danger on the Tracks
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Absent of any information to the contrary, it is not unreasonable to expect that a low-level rail passenger station is safe.  Many mishaps are caused by unexpected changes in design and typically there is a higher probability that an accident will result.  These sudden changes do not offer any obvious visual or depth cues to attract a person’s attention; rather, the environment remains deceptively the same and not easy to distinguish the presence of hazards.  The best practice for design and maintenance is the first and the most important (fundamental) level of preventing and removing any hazard.  Most station accident could have been easily preventable had the railroad understood the dangers, identified the problem areas and quickly eliminated the hazards.  Preventive measures to eliminate the hazards are quite simple; adding safety features, including passive and active devices, information systems, maintaining as well as repairing the station platform and adjoining walking areas.  Pedestrian facility design for commuter rail should also comply with accessibility standards in the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504) and the American Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990.
